Friday, September 26, 2014

Liberty Community Services, Inc.

We are anticipating vacancies in the Transitional Living Program over the next few weeks.  For additional information about eligibility, please contact Juakia Inabinet, Coordinated Access Specialist, at (203) 495-1765 or via email at

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

National AIDS Housing Coalition

AIDS Connecticut


The National AIDS Housing Coalition sent this link out this morning. As many of you know I've been on the NAHC board for a number of years, now serving as Secretary.

NAHC has been a leader on using evidenced based research to advocate on the national level for solid, sound public policy centering on housing.

Please take a moment to check out this terrific resource. Thanks for all you do.

Shawn M. Lang
Director of Public Policy

Hello All,

FYI, we've just posted a write up of our AIDS 2014 workshop on Action on Social Driver's to End AIDS and Extreme Poverty to the NAHC website. In addition, a link to the Meeting Report from the January 2014 World Bank/UNAIDS meeting is included in the website post.

Supportive Housing Priortization Memo DMHAS

Hi all:

Please see the attached memo related to prioritizing individuals for entry to supportive housing.  If you have any questions, please call me at 860-418-6845.




Steve DiLella
Director of Housing and Homeless Services
Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services
Department of Housing
860-418-6845 (p)
860-4186696 (f)

 To read memo, use this link:  DMHAS Supportive Housing Prioritization Memo